Industry Leaders
Macil Global provides highly specialised investigation services to the corporate, insurance, legal and government sectors, as well as surveillance investigations into key areas of the insurance industry, both in the public and private sectors.
Our range of services encapsulate investigations into workplace investigations, personal injuries, bullying and harassment, statutory benefits, due diligence, witness locations, skip tracing, surveillance, process serving, general insurance, public liability and common law.
Workers Compensation
Macil Global draws extensively on its experience in the WorkCover jurisdiction, having worked with key stakeholders including WorkSafe / Safework in each state, its authorised insurers, employers and legal service providers. We have a solid understanding of current legislation and we keep up to date with legislation and policy changes, to ensure that we are in a position to deliver quality work to our clients.
We understand insurers and legal service providers work to tight schedules within which to make determinations. As such our internal policies and procedures adhered to by all staff, ensure our reports are delivered on time and are highly relevant to key liability issues, or issues in dispute. This applies to all claims, but in particular to complex claims such as stress and common law.
Macil Global investigators conduct themselves at all times with regard to legislative requirements and the industry Code of Conduct.
Workplace Bullying, Harrassment & Discrimination
Macil Global offers a wide range of investigation services ranging from informal complaints, to more complex and formal investigations. Our aim is to assist you in managing, bullying, harassment and discrimination complaints in order to reduce the risk of claims escalating, by intervening in the early stages and providing efficient, in-depth and independent investigations when it is necessary.
Due Diligence
Comprehensive due diligence is critical to mitigating risk, but it can be costly and time-consuming to conduct the company and individual background checks you need to uncover potentially damaging roadblocks in your business relationships. To help you reduce risk and enable smarter decision making that leads to solid partnerships and growth, Macil Global offers a number of background screening services that allow you to thoroughly evaluate Owners, Directors, key personnel and the companies with which you now do or are planning to do business.
Litigation Support
At Macil Global we understand that each firm may have different requirements in litigation support. We provide professional and cost-effective litigation support services to insurance industries and law firms. We offer a wide range of confidential litigation support services, including pre-trial investigation, statement taking, skip tracing and process service.
General Insurance - Public and Products Liability
Public liability, factual investigations and loss adjustment require thorough and accurate investigations as early as practicable. Macil Global understands that contemporaneous evidence is the most persuasive and effective evidence.
As such our investigators and adjustors are provided with a comprehensive brief of instructions, which set out the nature of the claim, the legal issues and key common law principles; together with a list of interview questions for relevant witnesses, which address issues of liability and quantum.
Whilst not all claims will give rise to litigation, thorough investigations into the key issues will ensure that sound decision making is achieved in the early stages of a claim. In the event litigation follows, our clients will have been provided with a thorough and accurate investigation report and able to make early decisions on liability, negligence and quantum.

Our Services
Our range of services encapsulate investigations into property damages, personal injuries, statutory…